Have you seen me?

122 lbs.
A summer print dress and a green turban. Brown and white shoes.

Lelia and her only child, Mary Rachel, were last seen in their hometown of Carolina Beach, North Carolina on May 10, 1941. Lelia took Mary Rachel and left home at 9:00 p.m. Eddie Bryan told investigators that Leila said she was driving to a store a few blocks from their home. Bryan later told investigators that Mary Rachel asked to ride along.Where Leila went shopping that evening, if she did, has never been discovered.Neither mother nor child was ever seen again. Leila Bryan's 1935 Ford coupe is still missing.Eddie Bryan told investigators he didn't think the Ford had more than half tank of gasoline when Leila left.Either Bryan or Leila's brother reported the disappearances to the police right away.Mary Rachel's Sunday shoes were polished, and several rings Leila always wore were found at the Raleigh Street home.The rings were Leila's favorites, and she rarely left home without them.A native of Bladenboro, Bryan and her husband, E.C. "Eddie" Bryan, lived at 214 Raleigh Avenue at Carolina Beach. The couple worked for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.

N.C. State Bureau of Investigation
(910) 486-1262

Carolina Beach
New Hanover
North Carolina

(map location is approximate based on lat/long of case city)


P: (231) 250-5222
Email: TrackMissing

P.O. Box 366
White Cloud, MI 49349

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